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4th of July Firecracker Centerpiece

When I was looking for a 4th of July centerpiece my mind went back to some  firecracker blocks I saw in an issue of  Country Sampler last summer.

I used things I had around the house, this is a great scrap project, use what ever you have!

Wooden Fire Cracker Supplies

I cut 3 chunks off a fence post that came with the house. I eyeballed three separate lengths and marked them with a pen.

The length isn’t that important, just aim for 3 distinct lengths. Or make them all the same, it’s going in your house you should do what you like.

After you cut them give them a quick once over with a sanding block. I still wouldn’t lick them, but there are no giant slivers hanging off. The fence post I used had spent some time outside and was a bit rough in areas.

Grab the drill and a bit at least a little bigger than the rope you’re using for the fuses. I went way too big, it’s fine in the end but I ended up using a lot of hot glue to keep things together.

I grabbed the bit without the rope and the holes were too big, I should have gone with the 1/2 inch not the 3/4. In my mind the rope was a lot bigger.

Add a hole to each block, I eye balled center and I was only slightly really off on all three. I love ‘primitive’ style because nothing has to be perfect.

Keeping with the rustic theme my blocks don’t stand perfectly flat but it’s all good.

I painted mine using left over paint, the blue and red from the barn quilt and the white is basic Apple Barrel acrylic. I watered down the paint as I went, painting the tops and all around the sides.

The large piece got a coat of blue and the two smaller pieces each got white. After it dried I free-handed white stars on the blue (including one one the top) and red stripes on the white ones. Some light sanding and it was done.

I used some old rope for my ‘fuses’. It was polyester-ish and DID NOT want to be painted. Two coats of white paint, 2 coats of pray primer and a final finger painting adventure later I managed to cover the gray/yellow checker.

Remember when I said the holes were too big? This is the gap that was left after I hot glued the ropes in.

I used a candle to fill in the holes with wax but you could just use a ton of hot glue and then paint it to get rid of the shine.

A burlap band and a few loops of twine finish it off!

If Halloween and Fall is more your speed check out my tutorial for Fence Post Pumpkins

Check out my 4th of July page for more ideas or start here:

red, white and blue strips of bandanna fabric cut and tied to bakers twine to make an easy 4th of July decoration
little girl in red, white and blue outfit wearing a handmade green statue of liberty crown holding a book and a solar lantern



Monday 10th of June 2019

How cute is this! I love that I can save and reuse for next year, too! I'm throwing a Fourth of July BBQ and this will be absolutely perfect.

100 Perfectly Patriotic Ideas: Recipes, Decor, Crafts + MORE

Sunday 26th of May 2013

[...] 4th of July Firecracker Centerpiece {Chicken Scratch} [...]


Thursday 5th of July 2012

Cool idea! on my list of 4th decor for next year!JoAnn


Monday 2nd of July 2012

Featuring this on my top 10 Fourth of July Features over @ CountryMommaCooks..........have a wonderful Fourth of July!


Monday 2nd of July 2012

Sometimes I see things and think HEY I can make that. And sometimes I see things and think HEY how darn clever and cute is that. When I looked at the firecrackers I said HEY, those are AWESOME, I love them, so clever, so cute, and I can make those!

