This festive flower combines two ornaments I’ve made in the past; my Yo-yo Ornaments and my Prairie Point Ornaments (let’s all ignore the photos on that one ok?)
Prairie Point Ornament Supplies (per ornament):
- (6) 3 inch squares cut from red and white fabric
- (1) 1 3/4inch white yoyo (I use the Clover Large Yo-Yo Make)
- 2 buttons, one large ~1.5 inches and one fancy
- Pins
- Needle, thread
1. Fold each square diagonally, point to point. Then fold in half to make a smaller triangle. I like to stick a pin in the center to hold it together so I make all my triangles at once
2. Thread your needle with heavy duty thread, you’ll want about 18 inches of thread
3. Sandwich one triangle about 1/2 way inside another and start sewing where they overlap, leave a tail at the end
4. Sew using scant 1/4 inch stitches adding another triangle at each half way point
5. When you’ve added all 6 triangles it gets a little tricky, put the first triangle inside the V of the last one making a full circle
6. Pull both tails together until you have about a 3/4 inch circle in the center and tie if off
7. Adjust the petals so the gathers are even
8. Thread the needle with a long piece of thread and tie the ends together to make it extra strong. Starting from the back pull the needle through the yoyo and then through the leg of the fancy shank button and back through the yoyo.
9. Now take the needle through the center of the petal circle you just finished and then through a regular button (this is the back, the button should be large enough to cover the hole), returning through the button and then back though the yoyo and shank button to make a full loop.
10. Pull it tight and then tie off the thread
11. Make a tiny tack in on petal right on the edged about a 1/4 inch down from the point. This gives you somewhere to attach your hook to hang the ornament on the tree
Check out my Christmas Page for more ideas or start here:
50+ DIY Christmas Ideas for the Holidays | Domestic Deadline
Wednesday 27th of November 2019
[…] Prairie Point Christmas Ornaments via Chicken Scratch NY […]
Patricia Stilwell
Sunday 18th of December 2016
You sound like a very young creator that I once was.I was never able to just sit still. I am now a very young 80 yrs.My mind is still going wild and I still like to make my gifts,it just takes me longer. Stay active and creative. Love your yo-yo's and love using them whenever I need a little piazzas. Love and prayers for a very Merry Christmas.