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Halloween Window Sign

I adore the movie Hocus Pocus. Someday I’ll make the Winifred Sanderson costume I’ve been planning for years. Until that day I’ll have to be happy with this Halloween window sign I whipped up for hanging next to the front door.

Craft your own Halloween window sign for the Sanderson Broom Co to welcome guests and ghouls

I wanted to make it look like an old fashioned shoppe (the ‘e’ is important) sign that would hand outside a small from-home business. The header was a last minute addition, I didn’t like how high the sign was originally.

Halloween Entry featuring a rustic sign welcoming visitors to the "Sanderson Broom Co."


  • 1*3 wood cut to length (mine were 28 inches long)
  • Header cut from plywood (also 28 inches wide, 8 inches tall)
  • Black spray paint
  • Template cut from vinyl
  • Green-white and silver paint
  • Stencil brush
  • Eye hooks
  • S-hooks
  • Drill


  1. Cut all boards to size, I cut the plywood with a jigsaw  after drawing it in roughly with a sharpie
  2. Paint the front and sides of the boards. Do a few coats to make it really dark
  3. Set up and cut out your stencils. I used the font Birmingham, which is available free on DafontPlease Do Not Pin
  4. Once the paint is dry transfer the vinyl stencils, it’s easier with a helper. If your transfer paper is too sticky rub it on your shirt to take some stickiness awaySanderson Broom Co Sign Stencils
  5. Bonus Tip: When you cut all your stencils out on once sheet ‘draw’ boxes around each stencil and mark the center with a notch. That makes it easier to line them all up
  6. Paint over the stencils with a dry stencil brush. Go over everything with the green-white colors and then the silver. Don’t go for 100% coverage and don’t use too much paint or it will seep under the vinyl. Remove the stencils, once the paint drys rub the edges with sandpaper to distress it a little
  7. Drill small holes about 1/4 inch into the top and bottom of the boards (only the top of the bottom slat) for the eye hooks
  8. Screw in the eye hooks
  9. Hang the header and attach the lower boards using the S-hooks

Craft your own Halloween window sign for the Sanderson Broom Co to welcome guests and ghouls

The Witch, Stars and Broom shape all came from the Silhouette store.

Halloween Entry Way - Broom Co. SignTutorial

Don’t forget to check my Halloween page for more seasonal ideas.


Melissa the Empress of Dirt

Tuesday 7th of October 2014

That's so sweet and fun. Love the "We Fly". Adorable!

Cher @ Designs by Studio C

Tuesday 7th of October 2014

Love this sign!! What an awesome job - thanks for sharing!

Linda Meyers-Gabbard

Monday 6th of October 2014

Cute sign