I’ve been blogging since 2010, actually earlier I had an old garden blog called Twice Stabbed and Delicious even before that. That was back in the day when blogging was just a journal that sometimes people read.
The game has changed 😉
I’m not a pro-blogger by any means, but I would like to be someday. And honestly blogging about blogging sound so damn boring to me.
But I do like to help people, so that’s what this page and everything connected to it is about.
I’m going to share what I use to blog, take pictures, make graphics etc. All the little tiny things that add up to the site you’re on right now!
There will be affiliate links, there will be promotions. I’m not trying to scam you, I promise. Everything I recommend is something I use.
I’m pretty blunt and I’ll tell you if I think something won’t work for a particular situation. I really enjoy talking to new bloggers and sharing the information that’s taken me literally years and years to learn.
Feel free to ask questions in the comments or email me at ChickenScratchNY @gmail.com (without the space)
Happy blogging!