Can you believe Christmas is in less than two weeks? We just got our Christmas cards tonight (yeah Walmart 1 Hour!) and it brought to mind a somewhat odd but awesome gift I got from my mom last year. It’s simple, cheap and heartfelt. How can you go wrong? It’s the perfect gift for the college bound, new house owner, newly-wed or anyone who recently headed out on their own.
All you need is an address book, a pen, lots o’ addresses and time. Sit down with a hot cup of coffee or cocoa and fill that baby up with the addresses of close friends and family. Tuck in into a stocking or wrap it up with pretty stationary. You might get some raised eye brows but wait until it’s time to send out thank you cards, holiday or birthday cards and then you get to be a hero!
[Even though I give the credit to my mom, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a self-less gift, she just got sick of my sister and I calling her for addresses every time we sent a card]
Find more holiday projects on my Christmas page
Thursday 13th of December 2012
What a great idea. I was at a friends house today who had her very well used address book out and was amazed that she actually still had one. I have an excel file, but I'm never at my computer when I need an address!
Alecia @ Chicken Scratch NY
Saturday 15th of December 2012
It's a life saver! I email seems to be taking over but I'd rather get 1 card than 50 Facebook Happy Birthdays!
Thursday 13th of December 2012
I hope someone gives me a filled in address book for Christmas (hint, hint). This is a great idea. I am always searching for addresses every time I send out birthday invites and thank you cards. I always forget to type it into my phone and then have to email everyone each time for their address. Thanks for sharing. :-)